Category Archives: Medicine
A Close Fall in a Year of Lessons
When I was an EMT in college, I responded to a 911 call to find a man in his fifties, white as a sheet, panting in a stairwell of a parking garage. The paramedics’ ECG quickly and unambiguously confirmed that … Continue reading
Academia as a circular room
Why is the percentage of female patients who receive inappropriate medications from their healthcare providers significantly higher than male patients? Why is the quality of American healthcare improving much faster than access or disparities? Why do Americans need Go-Fund-Me pages … Continue reading
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How does humanity express hope
I am now approaching the end of my fifth month in Dublin and I can hardly believe how quickly the time has gone. It feels like just yesterday that I got on a plane to fly to Ireland for the … Continue reading
Posted in Medicine, University College Dublin
Tagged hope, literature, medicine, Travel, UCD
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That’s So American of you and Second Semester
First semester is over and the highlight of my upcoming semester is an internship at the Ottobock prosthetic building company at Cappagh National Hospital in Dublin. As my final project I will be building a muscle simulator to engage phantom … Continue reading
Unwiring the brain
As the new year has rolled on, I have started to enter the “business” end of the year, as it were. Classes have wrapped up for the most part, and now I am spending most of my time getting my … Continue reading
Posted in Class of 2014, Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
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