
Back in January, probably around the same time I posted my last blog, a few friends and I planted a circle of daffodils in Ormeau Park. Beside each bulb we placed folded pieces of paper with our dreams and intentions for the new year. Now I’m writing from a sunny cafe after checking their progress.

I truly cannot believe that this school year is almost over! Even though so much has happened and changed since September, it still feels so new, like I just arrived, and there’s so much more to come. Here are some highlights since I last blogged:

On February 1, my friend had a few of us over to make St. Brigid’s crosses. We picked the reeds from the marshy land around the River Lagan. It was really cool to learn more about St. Brigid, the patron saint of Ireland and poetry. What’s really interesting is that she pre-dates Christianity! She coincides with the pagan festival Imbolc.

On Valentine’s Day, my women’s music group held our first pub session at The Sunflower. We invited friends and any woman was allowed to join in and play. It ended up being a packed house and a truly magical night. This group is by far my favorite part of Belfast 🙂

I went to Edinburgh to visit my boyfriend Louis during reading week at the end of February. He was preparing for US tour and I was writing a script. We spent most days head down in the living room co-working, taking turns making coffee, lol. This is a pic of us getting out to enjoy a beautiful walk in Dean’s Village.

Ahhhh and here is Evie and I playing our original music at the International Women’s Day Folk Night. This is probably the most exciting seed sewn that’s already blooming. Evie and I met back in September through the Creative Writing MA, but we only started writing music together in January. Already, we have 7 songs and are working toward an album. Our band name is Wedding, because I’m from Westchester and she’s from Reading. Here’s a clip of us performing a new song called “Radial Time” :

I couldn’t be anymore grateful for Trina and the Mitchell Scholarship program for bringing these incredible opportunities into my life. While it does feel like a chapter is closing, I don’t see myself leaving Belfast right away. Between my job at Coup D’état and Wedding, I’m planning to stay at least for the summer to have fun and see how things grow.

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