Category Archives: Uncategorized

Galway death of ambition curse [GONE WRONG]

Even though this may be the end of the Mitchell program, it’s only the beginning of my new journey. I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion in Ireland and mold it into my guiding purpose. August 28th … Continue reading

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Till Later

Last September, one week after arriving in Galway, I wrote a note to myself and stuck it in the depths of my 300-something page scrapbook. I’d completely forgotten about it until a few nights ago, when I was sorting through … Continue reading

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A Year of Pints and Mires

My mom, who rather coincidentally also studied abroad in Ireland, insists that Ulysses is the best book ever written.  Despite books being woefully inefficient in packing space to entertainment quantity ratio, I wasn’t allowed to leave America without a copy. … Continue reading

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you wouldn’t BELIEVE how cold it was

A morning dip in Dingle. As I write this last post, I’ve come home from a study day in the Dun Laoghaire library. It’s probably one of my favourite places in Dublin – you can see the seaside (and Howth, … Continue reading

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That’s it.

The pinnacle of the medieval Welsh narrative tradition is the Mabinogi. I mentioned it in my last blog post because it’s been on my mind quite a bit this year (and especially in the last few weeks). It is made up … Continue reading

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telling the truth about ireland.

Try as I might, I find it difficult not to over-romanticize my time here in Ireland. This small island has a charm that simply cannot be shaken or overstated. It sounds trite, but it’s true that green is simply greener … Continue reading

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We broke up.

Disclaimer: Some of the other Mitchells and I thought of making click-bait-style headlines for our last blog post! An end of May trip to Dingle, County Kerry marked the official end of the 2024 Mitchell Scholarship and the last time … Continue reading

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How to make a core memory

“Memory is random and irresponsible in every heart” (Kate O’Brien, 1938). Last month, I FaceTimed my girlfriend for a virtual date night. We chatted about her upcoming college graduation, and she described excitedly how frenetic and chaotic the home stretch … Continue reading

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Day 248 — 30 May 2024

“All these years they’ve been like two little plants sharing the same plot of soil, growing around one another, contorting to make room, taking certain unlikely positions. But in the end she has done something for him, she’s made a … Continue reading

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Adventures, Science, Life Lessons, and Growing

Wow, it is really hard to believe that this is my last blog post as I finish up my Mitchell Year. As I sit down to write about the highlights since my last blog post, I am overcome with an … Continue reading

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Home, Family, Faith, and Love

The value of this year in my journey and life now seems indescribable and difficult to express in words. I feel a sense of rooted connectedness and attachment to this place far away that’s been nurtured from my time there. … Continue reading

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The Pursuit of Purpose – “the most anticipated drop of 2024” (according to some)

The last time we spoke, I mentioned how time felt like it was going by fast, but I realized time almost always will feel like this. Sometimes, it feels like it’s going faster and faster as we grow up, but … Continue reading

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