My documentary for my final project at Dublin City University is at full force. The production mode is on, with the topic of the film focusing on the advocates against Direct Provision in Ireland. With the first preliminary interviews done, we are focusing on the two sides of the story, of people who control the changes in Direct Provision and the promises made, along with those who experience it directly and the reality of the system.
*Direct provision is the name used to describe the accommodation, food, money and medical services you get while your international protection application is being assessed or while you are an asylum seeker. It can take from 10 months to 10 years for the system to process your application.

While exploring artists in Dublin for my Documentary Photography class, I came across Pottery painting studio and couldn’t resist painting a tea pot. After a long wait for it to be fired, I finally had it in my hands and hosted my first tea party with my friends!

On recent trips we had a trip to Belfast with Mitchell Scholars on a visit with US Consul General. With a political murals tour, stunning architecture and a warm welcome and reception with the US advisors to Ireland, it was a phenomenal trip filled with stories and laughter! On the last day, I went to Titanic Museum, and it was pouring rain the whole day with strong winds that swept your feet. It truly made you feel like you yourself are about to experience the Titanic.

Happy Maslenitsa, in Russia we celebrate spring with crepes and deserts. Traditionally eaten the first week of march with sour cream, jams, honey, or condensed milk. But spring arrived in Dublin with sunshine and coffees on terraces of cafes- long walks on the beaches of Ireland and reading books in parks is now an everyday occurrence.

For plans for the future, this is the prime time to focus on the future dreams and goals. Applications’ review is in full swing, with nervous waiting and at the same time the enjoyment of every second spent in Ireland. I am so grateful for the Mitchell’s program and how it showed me this beautiful country with rich history, stunning landscapes and people that stay in your heart forever!