Author Archives: arabinowitz06

June 2006 Reflection

I am writing this final reflection while basking in the afterglow of a terrific celebration with my classmates to commemorate the end of exams. I am also feeling the remorse that one can only feel after making the ill-advised decision … Continue reading

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March 2006 Reflection

Though this fact probably reflects poorly on my research methods, a little over a year ago when Trina and Dell informed me that I would be studying in Galway one of my first sources of “information” on the city was … Continue reading

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January 2006 Reflection

I’ve just returned to Galway after three weeks at home in the US for the holidays. The distance from my adopted home in Ireland and being forced to answer the multitude of questions from friends and family about life in … Continue reading

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November 2005 Reflection

Although I elected to study at NUIG for the applicability of its particular graduate program in Economics (a MA in Economic Policy Evaluation and Planning) to my future academic and professional goals, my time in Galway has already been enriching … Continue reading

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