Author Archives: jbenedict08

June 2008 Reflection

In my last entry, I expressed my mild dislike for the windy, rainy Irish winters. The seasons have indeed changed, but the breeze is a constant here, and it’s strange now that it’s my favorite part of the warm (though … Continue reading

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March 2008 Reflection

Considering that I’ve managed to avoid any semblance of ill health since August, I suppose that it’s my deserved time to get a cold. And the health advice that I’ve received from everyone and their little brother about the best … Continue reading

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January 2008 Reflection

I suppose it’s worth mentioning at the start that this entry is not an eleventh-hour attempt, as the saying goes, but rather a second-hour one. Second-hour, as in 2:00 a.m. Yes, yes—the rapturous joys of intercontinental jetlag, such as waking … Continue reading

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November 2007 Reflection

As I walked back to my dorm room this evening from the 18th-century south campus of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, I reminded myself how much I love being in places where the history is literally within an arm’s … Continue reading

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