Category Archives: Technology


As summer approaches, Dublin has finally begun to thaw: after a half-year disappearance, the sun has warmed from a lifeless winter sulk to a cheerful spring glow. In the lengthening days, larger crowds than ever have been flocking to the … Continue reading

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Known in the musical community as a viola hickey, the welt under my left jaw has purpled significantly since September. Its coloration has suffered from long hours in the Trinity Orchestra (including getting stranded in Scotland by storms during our … Continue reading

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I’m in Germany after midnight on New Year’s Day, walking alone through darkness. An hour ago, I was in the city center, admiring fireworks among cheering strangers; now, my footsteps echo on a rural road. It has started to snow. … Continue reading

Posted in Technology, Travels in Europe, Trinity College Dublin | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


“Irish weather is supposed to be rainy year-round,” I told my family, trying to convey a certainty I didn’t feel. Truth be told, I had no concept of Ireland. I could only picture my destination as a haze of permanent … Continue reading

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That’s So American of you and Second Semester

First semester is over and the highlight of my upcoming semester is an internship at the Ottobock prosthetic building company at Cappagh National Hospital in Dublin. As my final project I will be building a muscle simulator to engage phantom … Continue reading

Posted in Dublin Institute of Technology, Medicine, Technology, Travels on the Island | Leave a comment

Beginnings and Elastic Weather

Getting started in Dublin has been fast and rewarding. From the start, I felt like a hit the ground running in my program doing exactly the kind of research I came to do. My course is Electronic Signals Engineering at … Continue reading

Posted in Dublin Institute of Technology, Technology, Travels on the Island, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

And go.

My next seven months will be all consuming.  It is time to start something. My course of study at DIT is in Creative Digital Media with a focus on social media app design.  In my opinion, the programme is excellent.  … Continue reading

Posted in Class of 2015, Dublin Institute of Technology, Technology | Leave a comment

A Three-Minute Talk…How Hard Could it Be?

Heart racing. Palms sweating. Nervous Pacing. I can’t sit in this chair any longer. Get up from my seat. Go to the bathroom. Splash water on my face. Look in the mirror. I’m staring in the face of a nervous … Continue reading

Posted in Area of Study, Class of 2015, Class Year, Northern Ireland, Technology | Leave a comment

A Weekend at Google

My experience at Dublin’s Startup Weekend, sponsored by Google for Entrepreneurs and Up Global. Continue reading

Posted in Class of 2015, Dublin Institute of Technology, Technology | Leave a comment