
It’s January 15th, 2024. The following two months since we last spoke have been filled with even more experiences and lasting friendships. Veni and vidi. I came and I saw. I explored more, I travelled, and I made friendships and connections, often when I least expected it. As time goes on, I feel both the gratitude I have for the past and the anticipation/presence of the looming future. I have so many pictures, lessons, moments, memories, and stories to share with you, but right now, I must be brief.

Experiencing the universality of humans and how connected we are in the world has been inspiring. Our backgrounds and upbringings are diverse, but there is an undeniable thread that ties us together. Maybe I’ll share some of these lessons and tales one day, but for now, I’m living in the present moment, taking it slow in the fast lane.

I’m looking forward to more growth, to more moments. The uncertainty of the future can be scary, but it can also be empowering. We can find hope and support in the world and community around us, even if it may not always seem like it. Everyone has a story, and everyone’s story matters. My story continues.

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