Author Archives: Neel Mupparapu

Home, Family, Faith, and Love

The value of this year in my journey and life now seems indescribable and difficult to express in words. I feel a sense of rooted connectedness and attachment to this place far away that’s been nurtured from my time there. … Continue reading

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The Pursuit of Purpose – “the most anticipated drop of 2024” (according to some)

The last time we spoke, I mentioned how time felt like it was going by fast, but I realized time almost always will feel like this. Sometimes, it feels like it’s going faster and faster as we grow up, but … Continue reading

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It’s January 15th, 2024. The following two months since we last spoke have been filled with even more experiences and lasting friendships. Veni and vidi. I came and I saw. I explored more, I travelled, and I made friendships and … Continue reading

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The Irish Winds

“My only son was shot in Dublin,” I heard as I stepped onto Saint Patrick’s Street. I turned and followed the melodic strains drifting through the air, and as I got closer, I saw an elderly bearded man strumming his … Continue reading

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