Even though this may be the end of the Mitchell program, it’s only the beginning of my new journey. I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion in Ireland and mold it into my guiding purpose.
August 28th was the day I initially arrived in Dublin. Now I sit here, 296 days later, tasked with reflecting on this journey.
It’s hard to put it into words, so instead I’m just going to show you all.
One picture from each week from the last 42 weeks (with description). Enjoy!
Week 1: So many pictures to choose from during my first week here, so I went with something basic and cliche.

Week 2: Barely a week here and I’m already in the tattoo studio, par for the course I guess

Week 3: NUT HOT!!!

Week 4: Vivek and I went to Gaol

Week 5: Alexa and I got trashed (literally)

Week 6: The first of many nights out with my new friends

Week 7: My class has our first (and only) study session (the rest were just parties)

Week 8: My classmates hosted the first class dinner. On the menu: biryani and panipuri

Week 9: I climb a cliff (and survive)

Week 10: I met the Mayor of Galway, who endured a grueling 2 minute pitch on hydroponic grocery stores from yours truly (our team didn’t win the competition)

Week 11: I experienced the worst bus ride ever and then Zoha convinced me to get launched in the air

Week 12: Who let this guy in the lab?????

Week 13: My classmates surprised me for my birthday (everyone thought it was a hen)

Week 14: Surprised my mom for my birthday

Week 15: Alexa and I tried to adopt a cat

Week 16: COP28 live coverage (pls don’t look for it online)

Week 17: Undoubtably Turnpike Troubadours was playing during this pic, I’m back stateside

Week 18: Holidays with my family

Week 19: Nick’s first taste of his new home (NYC)

Week 20: Spending my last few days back in the US with my first love

Week 21: The Boys are Back in Town (Cork)

Week 22: Never in a million years did I think I would be excited to see a machine that tracks cow burps but such is the consequence of my actions (Ag masters)

Week 23: They made my tattoo into a painting

Week 24: Pancake Tuesday!! (I taught my irish friend how to make real pancakes)

Week 25: Sam and I’s final ascent

Week 26: Vivek and I in Gaol (again)

Week 27: My brother experiences a night out with my friends!!

Week 28: Angela’s birthday (afrobeats at the club until 3 am not pictured)

Week 29: Final class field trip

Week 30: I was pink(er than usual) for like weeks after Holi

Week 31: Beach day with the program (my tattoos shouldnt be in the sun)

Week 32: First client for the start-up!

Week 33: Propa Irish swim ey

Week 34: The plate I had at this party was unlike anything I;ve eaten before. unreal.

Week 35: My first solo concert (could do a whole post on this). Over the course of my now 120 concerts, I’ve always been in attendance with family/friends/etc. This was my first concert alone and it was one of the most empowering things I’ve ever done.

Week 36: Me & my dog (back in the US)

Week 37: Wouldn’t miss it for the world, love y’all

Week 38: Made a friend on the plane to Ireland and she introduced me to her dog (and let me drive her car) (mistake)

Week 39: Updated my LinkedIn tagline to “Investor”

Week 40: Changed it to “Founder”

Week 41: Blessed to be surrounded by success

Week 42: I’ve spent my last few weeks in Galway being present, knowing this place will always be special

If you made it this far, just know I love and appreciate you for the support and friendship you’ve blessed me with over the past 426,240 minutes. <3