Author Archives: Alexandra Bennion

Adventures, Science, Life Lessons, and Growing

Wow, it is really hard to believe that this is my last blog post as I finish up my Mitchell Year. As I sit down to write about the highlights since my last blog post, I am overcome with an … Continue reading

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Blog 3: Translational and International Cancer Science!

Over the past few months, I have felt grateful to have solidified academic research partnerships between the United States and Ireland in the oncology space. Every day, I am reminded of why I do the work that I do by … Continue reading

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The first two months: Understanding what unifies us culturally, socially, and scientifically.

As I sit to write this reflection, it is like two months breezed by, and also like I have been on the island forever. So much has happened! I figured it would be best to break this blog post up … Continue reading

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