Author Archives: Michael Frim

That’s it.

The pinnacle of the medieval Welsh narrative tradition is the Mabinogi. I mentioned it in my last blog post because it’s been on my mind quite a bit this year (and especially in the last few weeks). It is made up … Continue reading

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The Quiet Adventures

As I sit at my desk, in the midst of my midterm exams, I find myself procrastinating. (Maybe a little too much.) Earlier today, I caught myself scrolling through my camera role—anything to keep myself from working. My first exam … Continue reading

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A Blessing on the Cold

Bendacht for anmmain ferguso. amen. mar uar dom… “A blessing on the soul of Fergus. Amen. Because I am cold…” This little musing in Irish is written at the top of an early medieval Latin manuscript composed by an unfortunate … Continue reading

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Why Study a Dead Language?

Meeting new people here, the inevitable question always arises: “So,” they ask, “what do you study?” I tell them, “I study Old Irish and Middle Welsh language and literature.” “Oh!” They exclaim excitedly, “Do you have any Irish then?” Studying … Continue reading

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