Author Archives: Vivek Kanpa

How to make a core memory

“Memory is random and irresponsible in every heart” (Kate O’Brien, 1938). Last month, I FaceTimed my girlfriend for a virtual date night. We chatted about her upcoming college graduation, and she described excitedly how frenetic and chaotic the home stretch … Continue reading

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Relearning to be present in Dublin—the moments between the moments

Hello friends! At the time of writing this blog post, I am sat beside a large window at The Pulse Café @ UCD watching the snow fall, quickly covering up the tread marks of previous cyclists. Pulse is my third … Continue reading

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How answering “How’s Ireland?” changed my priorities for 2024

I recently flew back to my suburban New Jersey hometown for the holidays. There was much to do (among the top of the list: indulge recklessly in Jersey bagels, revisit every diner in a 3 mile radius, and binge watch … Continue reading

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Pockets of gratitude and people I share them with

Today was a classically foggy Wednesday morning in Dublin. As the sun creeped up behind the hazy gray veil, I tossed on a sweater and slid on my thickest socks. I’ve always loved the rain. I think rain is a … Continue reading

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