Tag Archives: Galway
“Slagging,” authenticity, and Irish hospitality
An acquaintance of mine, upon learning that I would be living in Ireland for a year, encouraged me to keep a journal of observations about the nation’s culture and institutions—a sort of Toqueville-esqe Democracy in Ireland, as he put it. … Continue reading
Cross Border Observations
My Human Rights Law program is split between Queen’s University in Belfast and the National University of Ireland in Galway. This means that my Mitchell year has been divided North and South, with two different cities, cohorts, currencies, and cultures. … Continue reading
Getting Distance on Galway
It seems hard to believe that the first semester is already over and that we’re all about to stumble into a new year here in Ireland. Currently, I’m officially in exam period, writing final papers and tying up the odds … Continue reading
“And it’s over the fields with my pack on my back…”
I’m up on my feet, walking again—yesterday I even ran to catch a bus! The last few months have been full of travel and activity, and I’ve had lots of opportunities to dispel the restlessness that built up during my convalescence. … Continue reading
Posted in Class of 2012, National University of Ireland Galway
Tagged Belfast, castles, Connemara, derry, fairy tales, Galway, ireland, Irish theater, Irish theatre, londonderry, Mitchell Scholars Class of 2012, Mitchell Scholars Program, mitchell scholarship, ringmasters, sightseeing in Ireland, sisters, travel in Ireland
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Winter Time
When taxi drivers, store keepers, professors, and students in Galway mention the winters of 2010 and 2011, they adopt the tone of those recounting tough, repressed experiences. Ice and snow clogged the stone streets of the city as temperatures dipped to … Continue reading
The Old and the New
A cactus and a sheep make an odd couple. Let me explain. I began the new year very far away from Ireland, visiting my best friend who is doing research in Buenos Aires. We took a road trip to the … Continue reading
Posted in Class of 2012, Trinity College Dublin
Tagged Argentina, Connemara, Donegal, Galway, gender quotas, Seanad, women in politics, women's health
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Break a Leg
When I last wrote, I was traveling home to the US, excited to be be going on tour to Princeton with the Austin theatre company the Rude Mechanicals. Well, on our opening night, I fell off the stage, sprained my … Continue reading
New Adventures
I knew that I could look forward to my time in Ireland when, upon landing at Dublin’s shiny new airport, I was greeted by free luggage carts. That’s right: when moving to a new country, a free luggage cart (are … Continue reading
Posted in Class of 2012, National University of Ireland Galway
Tagged economics, Galway, Mitchell Scholars, Mitchell Scholars Class of 2012, Mitchell Scholars Program, mitchell scholarship, Mohit Agrawal, National University of Ireland, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), Occupy Galway, us-ireland alliance
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Thanks, Lads
My other reflections centered on my life in Galway, the structure of my days, all those funny little things you learn about a country by living there, and not just visiting. (Isn’t it amazing that you can get a decent … Continue reading