Tag Archives: study in Northern Ireland

Base of the Fifth Metatarsal

Today I write to you about the base of the Fifth Metatarsal. No, unfortunately not an exotic European mountain range, but the location of a broken bone in my foot! A week before Christmas, while taking out the trash, I … Continue reading

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Mitchell Experience: Reflection 1

When I first arrived in Belfast the climate and the landscape met my expectations—it was cold and drizzling rain with beautiful hills and valleys as far as the eye could see. I thought I would be alone for the first … Continue reading

Posted in Class of 2012, University of Ulster | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Humour and Solitude

I will long remember my time in Ireland—no, in Derry, specifically—by the geniality of people and palatable genuineness in our interactions. I learned very quickly that dry or sarcastic humour is often taken as quite rude (and I hope to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Class of 2011, University of Ulster | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bloody Sunday

Last Sunday, I attended the annual march to commemorate the events of Bloody Sunday, 39 years ago to the day when the British army shot unarmed civilians protesting for their civil rights in here Northern Ireland. As I walked up … Continue reading

Posted in Class of 2011, University of Ulster | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Yo, Belfast! How YOU doin’?

Ecoutez et Ecrivez Let me start by stating the obvious: I’m one lucky son of a gun, as my grandfather would say. Returning from a weekend in Barcelona where I attended my first ever football match (FC Barcelona 2 – … Continue reading

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