Author Archives: Alexa Mohsenzadeh

Till Later

Last September, one week after arriving in Galway, I wrote a note to myself and stuck it in the depths of my 300-something page scrapbook. I’d completely forgotten about it until a few nights ago, when I was sorting through … Continue reading

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Good Food

Much of my time this winter was spent cooking. I am grateful to have the spare time to try (and fail) new recipes and to have access to an abundance of fresh produce just minutes from our house. Every Saturday, … Continue reading

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On Unconventional Motherhood

Since my last blog post, I have become a mother. I am happy to report that my children are much cuter than I could have imagined and everyone in the neighborhood agrees. I’m also happy to report that my children … Continue reading

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Making My Way Through Galway

Last month, I bought a €6 pack of oil pastels on my way back home from class. I was itching to start drawing again after abandoning it at the start of college. With my newfound free time and proximity to … Continue reading

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