Author Archives: Vikram Balasubramanian

We broke up.

Disclaimer: Some of the other Mitchells and I thought of making click-bait-style headlines for our last blog post! An end of May trip to Dingle, County Kerry marked the official end of the 2024 Mitchell Scholarship and the last time … Continue reading

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Studying Plato in Ireland

When I first came to Ireland, I remember chatting with an Irish stranger by the Molly Malone statue. It’s funny, in Europe, when someone asks where you’re from, they’ll simply say one word (e.g. “I’m Irish, “French,” “Welsh”) and that … Continue reading

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Seeing Dublin through new eyes

These past few months in Dublin have been an incredible time to deepen my involvement on Trinity’s campus and see the city around me as an academic, tourist, and Dubliner myself. I joined the TCD Philosophical Society, one of the … Continue reading

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Reading Joyce in Dublin

Before I arrived in Ireland, a friend of mine gave me a copy of James Joyce’s Ulysses. In some impatience, I immediately flipped to the last few pages, to the famous “Molly Bloom” monologue. The last few words have always … Continue reading

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